Our Services
Compulsive Shoppers
The modern lifestyle makes it easy for anyone to become compulsive shoppers. Shopping can be therapeutic, which may cause some to buy things they don’t really need, either to escape depression or simply for the enjoyment of having something new. Buying new things can be fun, but when the purchases start to build clutter that takes over the house it can get problematic, and it becomes an expensive, time consuming, and difficult habit to overcome.
In some instances, people divert from their problems through shopping and shop to escape from depression and reality. Scientific findings have shown that there is a similarity between shopping and drug addictions, hence the term "shopping therapy". Some with the condition buy items that they assume they will one day use, make purchases solely because they are cheap, and even get things waiting for a gifting occasion.
Similar to Compulsive Collectors, items of compulsive shoppers begin accumulating and the items that were acquired begin piling up and consuming ones home and life. Compulsive shoppers also stock up on freebies and other free giveaways that never get used and begin accumulating.

Compulsive shopping isn't always necessarily on items that are inexpensive, free, or saved for later use. There are those who have a tendency of binge shopping on expensive clothes, shoes, jewelry and designer brand items. Others tend to purchase the same item in every color, or even twice, but eventually leave it to compile with the rest of the items they purchase. Both debt and piles of items build up, and the thought spring cleaning or organization is dreadful. In the mind of the compulsive shopper, each of their possessions will serve a purpose when realistically, they have been untouched and accumulating for years.
Our method includes sorting through the belongings in overstuffed wardrobe and stockpiled rooms, organizing, and determining what to keep and what to dispose. Where necessary, we will help wrap gifts and help distribute them to the recipient of choose and donate the excess undesired items. Other services include photographing the items and placing them for sale Online. We would never take decision in our hands of what to do with your personal belongings. We always ask for your permission first since our primary concern is on the needs of the client.
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